Friday, August 28, 2009

Who's afraid of Brangelina?


In a bold casting move that's sure to boost the circulation of the gossip magazines, Warner Bros. has very quietly sounded out the possibility of exploiting the on-again, off-again rumors about Brad Pitt's and Angelina Jolie's marriage. (See Reel Insider at left) A very clever development executive has suggested the time may be ripe for a remake of  Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, the 60s drama that shocked audiences with its profanity. Brad would be reprising the role of George, that gave Richard Burton credibility as a serious actor, and Angelina the part of frumpy fiftyish Martha, that won Elizabeth Taylor an Oscar. Movie buffs will no doubt see the parallels between Burton's and Taylor's tumultuous marriage, and that of Pitt's and Jolie's, not to mention the box-office appeal.

I must take issue with my colleague, whom I feel has been misled about the nature of the proposed special effects. Rather than computer graphics, the two lead actors would be transformed into typical academics through the magic of latex. Pitt retains such a costume from The Bucket List, and reportedly terrified neighborhood children with it last Halloween

1 comment:

  1. apparently you are unaware of poor Brad's developing latex allergy - it has meant he is actually contemplating the snip...
